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#define _WIN32_DCOM

#i nclude <comdef.h>

#i nclude <Wbemidl.h>

#i nclude "atlbase.h"

# pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")

IWbemLocator* g_pLoc = NULL;

IWbemServices* g_pSvc = NULL;

IEnumWbemClassObject* g_pEnum = NULL;

IWbemClassObject* g_pAdapterObject = NULL;

IWbemClassObject* g_pAdapterConfigClass = NULL;

VARIANT g_AdapterConfigPathVal;




    HRESULT hres;

    CComBSTR TheQuery = NULL;

    ULONG NumObjects = 0;


    // Step 1: Initialize COM.

    hres =  CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);

    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("CoInitializeEx failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;                 



    // Step 2: Set general COM security levels

    // Note: If you are using Windows 2000, you need to specify -

    // the default authentication credentials for a user by using

    // a SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST structure in the pAuthList ----

    // parameter of CoInitializeSecurity ------------------------

    hres =  CoInitializeSecurity(


       -1,                          // COM negotiates service

       NULL,                        // Authentication services

       NULL,                        // Reserved

       RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT,   // Default authentication

       RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, // Default Impersonation 

       NULL,                        // Authentication info

       EOAC_NONE,                   // Additional capabilities

       NULL                         // Reserved


    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("CoInitializeSecurity failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;                    



    // Step 3:  Obtain the initial locator to WMI

    hres = CoCreateInstance(






    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("CoCreateInstance failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;               



    // Step 4: Connect to the local root/cimv2 namespace and obtain pointer pSvc to make IWbemServices calls.

    hres = g_pLoc->ConnectServer(










    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("ConnectServer failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;              



    // Step 5:  Set security levels for the proxy

    hres = CoSetProxyBlanket(

       g_pSvc,                        // Indicates the proxy to set

       RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,           // RPC_C_AUTHN_xxx

       RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,            // RPC_C_AUTHZ_xxx

       NULL,                        // Server principal name



       NULL,                        // client identity

       EOAC_NONE                    // proxy capabilities


    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("CoSetProxyBlanket failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;             



// 通过适配器名称来找到指定的适配器对象.

    TheQuery = L"SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE SettingID = /"";

    TheQuery += pszAdapterName;

    TheQuery += L"/"";  

    hres = g_pSvc->ExecQuery(







    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("ExecQuery failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;             



    // Get the adapter object.

    hres = g_pEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &g_pAdapterObject, &NumObjects);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hres))


       if (NumObjects < 1)


           OutputDebugString("Can not get the specified adapter!!/n");

           return AE_SET;



hres = g_pSvc->GetObject(






    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("GetObject failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;              



    hres = g_pAdapterObject->Get(






    if (FAILED(hres))


       OutputDebugString("Get failed!!/n");

       return AE_SET;            



    return AE_SUCCESS;



void ANWMIRelease()



    if (g_pAdapterConfigClass)



       g_pAdapterConfigClass = NULL;


    if (g_pAdapterObject)



       g_pAdapterObject = NULL;


    if (g_pEnum)



       g_pEnum = NULL;


    if (g_pSvc)



        g_pSvc = NULL;


    if (g_pLoc)



       g_pLoc = NULL;






    HRESULT hres;

    USHORT usStatus = AE_SET;


    //VARIANT AdapterConfigPathVal;

    //IWbemClassObject* pAdapterConfigClass = NULL;

    IWbemClassObject* pInParamsDefinition = NULL;

    IWbemClassObject* pInParams = NULL;


    struct in_addr in;

    SAFEARRAY* pIpAddress = NULL;

    SAFEARRAY* pSubnetMask = NULL;

    SAFEARRAY* pGatewayAddress = NULL;

    SAFEARRAYBOUND bound[1];

    long i = 0;

    VARIANT ArrayVal;


    IWbemClassObject* pOutParams = NULL;

    VARIANT varReturnValue;

    //WCHAR address[260];

    CComBSTR IPAddress;

    CComBSTR MASKAddress;

    CComBSTR Gateway;


    if (AE_SUCCESS != ANWMIInit(wcschr(pimAdapter->Name, L'{')))


       goto END;



    if ((pData->ulStateMask & AS_IP_CHANGED) || (pData->ulStateMask & AS_MASK_CHANGED))


       DWORD dwIP = htonl(pData->ulIP);

       DWORD dwMask = htonl(pData->ulMask);

       //Get the EnableStatic method and the in-params class.

       hres = g_pAdapterConfigClass->GetMethod(





       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("GetMethod failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       //Get the in-params object.

       hres = pInParamsDefinition->SpawnInstance(0, &pInParams);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("SpawnInstance failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       //Set the in-params values for ip address.

       bound[0].lLbound = 0;

       bound[0].cElements = 1;

       pIpAddress = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, bound);

       if(pIpAddress == NULL)


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayCreate failed!!/n");

           goto END;


       in.s_addr = dwIP;


       IPAddress = inet_ntoa(in);

       OutputDebugString("the ip address is:");


       hres = SafeArrayPutElement(pIpAddress, &i, (BSTR)IPAddress);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayPutElement failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       //Set the in-params values for subnet mask address.

       pSubnetMask = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, bound);

       if(pSubnetMask == NULL)


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayCreate failed!!/n");

           goto END;


       in.s_addr = dwMask;


       MASKAddress = inet_ntoa(in);

       OutputDebugString("the submask is:/n");


       hres = SafeArrayPutElement(pSubnetMask, &i, (BSTR)MASKAddress);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayPutElement failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       // bind the in-params.

       ArrayVal.parray = pIpAddress;

       ArrayVal.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR;

       hres = pInParams->Put(L"IPAddress", 0,&ArrayVal, 0);

       ArrayVal.parray = pSubnetMask;

       hres = pInParams->Put(L"SubnetMask", 0,   &ArrayVal, 0);


// Now actually execute the "EnableStatic" method

       hres = g_pSvc->ExecMethod(








       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("ExecMethod failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       // Get the return value.


       hres = pOutParams->Get(_bstr_t(L"ReturnValue"), 0, &varReturnValue, NULL, 0);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("Get return value failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       // Check the return value.

       if (0 != varReturnValue.lVal)


           char a[100];

           sprintf(a,"%lx", varReturnValue.lVal);

           OutputDebugString("set ip and mask address failed!!/n");


           goto END;



       if (pOutParams)



           pOutParams = NULL;





           pIpAddress = NULL;





           pSubnetMask = NULL;


       if (pInParams)



           pInParams = NULL;


       if (pInParamsDefinition)



           pInParamsDefinition = NULL;


    }//ip and subnet mask address


    if (pData->ulStateMask & AS_GATEWAY_CHANGED)


       if ((pData->ulStateMask & AS_IP_CHANGED) || (pData->ulStateMask & AS_MASK_CHANGED))




       DWORD dwGateway = htonl(pData->ulGateway);

       //Get the EnableStatic method and the in-params class.

       hres = g_pAdapterConfigClass->GetMethod(





       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("GetMethod failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       //Get the in-params object.

       hres = pInParamsDefinition->SpawnInstance(0, &pInParams);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("SpawnInstance failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       //Set the in-params values for Getewat.

       bound[0].lLbound = 0;

       bound[0].cElements = 1;

       pGatewayAddress = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, bound);

       if(pGatewayAddress == NULL)


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayCreate failed!!/n");

           goto END;


       in.s_addr = dwGateway;


       Gateway = inet_ntoa(in);

       OutputDebugString("the gateway address is:");


       hres = SafeArrayPutElement(pGatewayAddress, &i, (BSTR)Gateway);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("SafeArrayPutElement failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       // bind the in-params.

       ArrayVal.parray = pGatewayAddress;

       ArrayVal.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR;

       hres = pInParams->Put(L"DefaultIPGateway", 0,&ArrayVal, 0);


       // Now actually execute the "EnableStatic" method

       hres = g_pSvc->ExecMethod(








       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("ExecMethod failed!!/n");

           goto END;


// Get the return value.



       hres = pOutParams->Get(_bstr_t(L"ReturnValue"), 0, &varReturnValue, NULL, 0);

       if (FAILED(hres))


           OutputDebugString("Get return value failed!!/n");

           goto END;



       // Check the return value.

       if (0 != varReturnValue.lVal)


           char a[100];

           sprintf(a,"%lx", varReturnValue.lVal);


           goto END;



       if (pOutParams)



           pOutParams = NULL;


       if (pGatewayAddress)



           pGatewayAddress = NULL;


       if (pInParams)



           pInParams = NULL;


       if (pInParamsDefinition)



           pInParamsDefinition = NULL;




    usStatus = AE_SUCCESS;




    if (pOutParams)



       pOutParams = NULL;





       pIpAddress = NULL;





       pSubnetMask = NULL;


    if (pGatewayAddress)



       pGatewayAddress = NULL;


    if (pInParams)



       pInParams = NULL;


    if (pInParamsDefinition)



       pInParamsDefinition = NULL;



    return usStatus;


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